Monday, November 19, 2007


Rachael Ray’s latest invention is choup. If you haven’t yet heard, choup is a dish that’s thinner than chowder and thicker than soup.

Whatever you may think of the name, this stuff is pretty good. I love being able to make soup—er, choup—in 30 minutes. It was Rachael’s idea to garnish it with white cheddar popcorn, which I initially thought was sorta weird, but I’m glad I went with it. It actually works.

I made this even thicker by using half the amount of stock and the full amount of cream. I also threw in some garlic and celery, but you could toss in whatever you have around and it would probably work. It’s a very easy, very adaptable recipe. Yum-O!


Blair said...

Where I grew up we always added popcorn to soup... from ceviche to thick stews... I think it is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

my last name is choup...whodathunkit!!..lmao -ac-